Wednesday, 22 November 2006

22nd November 2006

Im sick of Mr Roeder sick sick sick sick sick sick SICK!!!!


mackemdezzy said...
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mackemdezzy said...

why are you sick of Mr Roeder he is one of the world's best managers,maybe if you sleep with Mr Roeder he might be willing to give you a game!!!!!!lol :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

Albert - you will have to start giving Mr Roeder an apple every day then you can become teachers pet - he'll beleive in you then!!!!! Or ask Titus the secret of getting picked...... It's new to me mate. Chin up

bjcolligan said...


Congrats on getting in the game against Pompey, Maybe next time they'll let you touch the ball.

I'm banking on another European goal from you this week. Don't let me down.